Sacramentum Abominationis: The Devil’s tail and the reverse Chakras



The short book is available only the e-book format

                     The extended version named “I segreti del Tantra Nero” is available only in italian


There are sometimes in the Esoteric world individual paths and personal discoveries that open doors never attempted before

In this short essay, translated by Nera Luce, Samael King, author of the book “H.P. Lovecraft. The Hidden Coven” and “I segreti del Tantra Nero” presents us with the results of his occult experience that led him to discover and experience an almost unknown and forgotten aspect of the Esoteric Path: that of Chthonian forces and Centers of Force in the human body that he defines as “Reverse Chakras” connected to them.

With an explicit and sometimes crude language Samael King exposes his personal discoveries in the field of tantric sex linked to these forces.
His research is still in progress, so this short essay aims only to introduce him into this unknown world.